mert ha a szennylapok képesek rá, én is megadhatom J-nek a helyreigazítást. Főleg, ha jogos az igény. Nem az ő részéről; az enyémről. Mert engem bántana, ha valótlan információ maradna róla megőrizni vágyott emlékeim tárában.
To make it clear:
J, you are innocent and exempted. I clear you of the charge of having been a liar to me. You weren't. Or at least you said you weren't and I believe you. I want to and I will. Because I don't want to remember you with even a little bit of anger. I want to remember us, our short half an hours, and it's easier if I believe you. On the other hand, I don't want to be remembered as a silly chick who overcomplicates and makes up things with half-informations.
So I do apologise. Mea culpa. Je suis désolée.