Sweet sweet November
2015. november 30. írta: Ailana

Sweet sweet November

I found myself lucky enough to currently be living one of the happiest times – if not the very happiest! – of my entire life (up until this point). It was perfect, beyond perfect, I couldn’t have imagined it better. The hoped blank page of August, the worries of September, the nice experiences and the starts of October ended in this living dream when we didn’t sleep much, but lived so much, so in the moment, so fully!

Other than being lucky enough to get the friends I was always dreaming about – who would have thought ‘One Tree Hill’ people do exist; only they are called Bauta people! –, I met someone special. Special in every sense of the word. He climbed into my window and stayed. I was in pjs with messed-up hair, and he still stayed. He tells me smart-silly things, hugs me good nights, and cuddles so sweet that every part of our body fit. He said my weirdness joined his, he charges his batteries with mines, he got me the postcard and sends pandas... Everything else would be false to say, because as a wise friend told me, words are often dishonest to describe the real things.

All I can say is that something beautiful and wonderful is happening here in this ugly orange-blue plastic house, something magical with very unique people. Something I will miss so much when it’s over, but as the pink post-it on my wall right next to my bridge reminds me every day “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened!” I will, I will smile. And cry. And I will be so much grateful because what I’m living through now is pure happiness. It is worth for the moments, the days, the nights and all of the month.

I will never want to forget this feeling, how it felt to be so happy. How strong, how grateful, how complete, how bright and how energetic I felt. How myself I felt.



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